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Dimension of images and graphs of little Lipschitz functions

Tom 262 / 2023

Bruce Hanson, Pamela Pierce, Miroslav Zelený, Ondřej Zindulka Fundamenta Mathematicae 262 (2023), 37-70 MSC: Primary 26A16; Secondary 28A78. DOI: 10.4064/fm147-12-2022 Opublikowany online: 11 April 2023


A mapping $f\colon X\to Y$ between metric spaces is termed little Lipschitz if the function ${\rm lip}\, f\colon X\to [0,\infty ]$, $${\rm lip}\, f(x)=\liminf_{r\to 0}\frac{{\rm diam}\,f(B(x,r))}{r},$$ is finite at every point. We prove that for each $s \gt 0$ the little Lipschitz mapping $f$ satisfies the inequality $$ \mathscr H^s(f(X))\leq \int _X({\rm lip}\, f)^s\,{\rm d}\mathscr P^s $$ as long as $\{{\rm lip}\, f=0\}$ is of $\sigma $-finite measure $\mathscr P^s$, where $\mathscr H^s$ and $\mathscr P^s$ denote the $s$-dimensional Hausdorff and packing measures, respectively. We derive a dimensional inequality for little Lipschitz mappings $$\dim _{\mathsf H} f(X)\leq \dim _{\mathsf H} f\leq \mathop{\overline {\rm dim}_{\mathsf P}} X$$ and we provide a few examples that show that these inequalities are the best possible.


  • Bruce HansonDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics
    St. Olaf College
    Northfield, MN 12344, USA
  • Pamela PierceDepartment of Mathematics
    and Computational Sciences
    The College of Wooster
    Wooster, OH 44691, USA
  • Miroslav ZelenýDepartment of Mathematical Analysis
    Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
    Charles University
    186 75 Praha 8, Czech Republic
  • Ondřej ZindulkaDepartment of Mathematics
    Faculty of Civil Engineering
    Czech Technical University
    160 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic

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