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New axioms for the lattice-ordered groups existentially closed in $\mathbf W^+$

Tom 263 / 2023

Brian Wynne Fundamenta Mathematicae 263 (2023), 91-104 MSC: Primary 03C60; Secondary 06F20. DOI: 10.4064/fm280-6-2023 Opublikowany online: 29 August 2023


Let $\bf {W}^+$ be the class of nonzero Archimedean lattice-ordered groups with distinguished strong order unit, viewed as structures for the first-order language $\{ +, -, \wedge , \vee , 0, 1 \}$. This paper gives new axioms for the lattice-ordered groups existentially closed in $\bf {W}^+$ and uses them to show that $(C(X),1_X)$ is existentially closed in $\bf {W}^+$ if and only if $X$ is nonempty, pseudocompact, an almost-$P$-space, and a strongly zero-dimensional $F$-space with no isolated points.


  • Brian WynneDepartment of Mathematics
    Lehman College, CUNY
    Gillet Hall, Room 211
    250 Bedford Park Blvd West
    Bronx, NY 10468, USA

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