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An exceptional splitting of Khovanov’s arc algebras in characteristic 2

Tom 264 / 2024

Jesse Cohen Fundamenta Mathematicae 264 (2024), 69-84 MSC: Primary 57K18; Secondary 57K16, 16D20, 16W50 DOI: 10.4064/fm230712-2-12 Opublikowany online: 27 March 2024


We show that there is an associative algebra $\widetilde H_n$ such that, over a base ring $R$ of characteristic 2, Khovanov’s arc algebra $H_n$ is isomorphic to the algebra $\widetilde H_n[x]/(x^2)$. We also show a similar result for bimodules associated to planar tangles and prove that there is no such isomorphism over $\mathbb Z$.


  • Jesse CohenFachbereich Mathematik (AZ)
    Universität Hamburg
    20146 Hamburg, Germany

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