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Countable discrete extensions of compact lines

Tom 265 / 2024

Maciej Korpalski, Grzegorz Plebanek Fundamenta Mathematicae 265 (2024), 75-93 MSC: Primary 54F05; Secondary 46B03, 06E15, 03E05 DOI: 10.4064/fm230613-25-1 Opublikowany online: 20 March 2024


We consider a separable compact line $K$ and its extension $L$ consisting of $K$ and countably many isolated points. The main object of study is the existence of a bounded extension operator $E: C(K)\to C(L)$. We show that if such an operator exists, then there is one for which $\|E\|$ is an odd natural number. We prove that if the topological weight of $K$ is greater than or equal to the least cardinality of a set $X\subseteq [0,1]$ that cannot be covered by a sequence of closed sets of measure zero, then there is an extension $L$ of $K$ admitting no bounded extension operator.


  • Maciej KorpalskiInstytut Matematyczny
    Uniwersytet Wrocławski
    50-384 Wrocław, Poland
  • Grzegorz PlebanekInstytut Matematyczny
    Uniwersytet Wrocławski
    50-384 Wrocław, Poland

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