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Iterative roots of multifunctions

Tom 265 / 2024

B. V. Rajarama Bhat, Chaitanya Gopalakrishna Fundamenta Mathematicae 265 (2024), 141-163 MSC: Primary 39B12; Secondary 54C60, 05C20 DOI: 10.4064/fm299-12-2023 Opublikowany online: 16 February 2024


Some easily verifiable sufficient conditions for the nonexistence of iterative roots for multifunctions on arbitrary nonempty sets are presented. Typically if the graph of the multifunction has a distinguished point with a relatively large number of paths leading to it then such a multifunction does not admit any iterative root. These results can be applied to single-valued maps by considering their pullbacks as multifunctions. This is illustrated by showing the nonexistence of iterative roots of some specified orders for certain complex polynomials.


  • B. V. Rajarama BhatTheoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit
    Indian Statistical Institute
    R V College Post, Bengaluru 560059, India
  • Chaitanya GopalakrishnaTheoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit
    Indian Statistical Institute
    R V College Post, Bengaluru 560059, India

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