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Billiards with countably many scatterers under no eclipse

Tom 265 / 2024

Haruyoshi Tanaka Fundamenta Mathematicae 265 (2024), 165-177 MSC: Primary 37C83; Secondary 37C30, 37B10 DOI: 10.4064/fm230728-23-1 Opublikowany online: 4 March 2024


We consider a billiard flow with countably infinitely many scatterers on the plane without eclipse. We show that the non-wandering set of the billiard flow is in one-to-one correspondence with a two-sided topological Markov shift with countably many states. We also give a sufficient condition for the Euler product formula for the zeta function with respect to the billiard flow.


  • Haruyoshi TanakaCourse of Mathematics Education
    Graduate School of Education
    Naruto University of Education
    Naruto, Tokushima, 772-8502, Japan

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