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Surreal substructures

Tom 266 / 2024

Vincent Bagayoko, Joris van der Hoeven Fundamenta Mathematicae 266 (2024), 25-96 MSC: Primary 03C64; Secondary 03E20 DOI: 10.4064/fm231020-23-2 Opublikowany online: 1 July 2024


Conway’s field $\mathbf{No}$ of surreal numbers comes both with a natural total order and an additional “simplicity relation” which is also a partial order. Considering $\mathbf{No}$ as a doubly ordered structure for these two orderings, an isomorphic copy of $\mathbf{No}$ inside itself is called a surreal substructure. It turns out that many natural subclasses of $\mathbf{No}$ are actually of this type. In this paper, we study various constructions that give rise to surreal substructures and analyze important examples in greater detail.


  • Vincent BagayokoIMJ-PRG
    Université Paris Cité
    Paris, France
  • Joris van der HoevenCNRS, LIX
    91120 Palaiseau, France

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