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Cantor sets as generalized inverse limits

Tom 266 / 2024

Lori Alvin, Sina Greenwood, James P. Kelly Fundamenta Mathematicae 266 (2024), 1-24 MSC: Primary 54F17; Secondary 37B45, 37B10, 54F65, 54F15 DOI: 10.4064/fm230609-22-3 Opublikowany online: 14 June 2024


We characterize when the inverse limit of a single set-valued function $F$ yields a Cantor set as its inverse limit. We do this by focusing on a subset of the domain we call ${\rm D}(F)$. When ${\rm D}(F)$ is finite, we are able to apply known results for shifts of finite type to obtain our results. We then adapt those concepts to an infinite, compact alphabet. We give general characterizations when ${\rm D}(F)$ is countable and when ${\rm D}(F)$ is uncountable. We include many examples illustrating these results.


  • Lori AlvinDepartment of Mathematics
    Furman University
    Greenville, SC 29613, USA
  • Sina GreenwoodUniversity of Auckland
    Private Bag 92019
    Auckland, New Zealand
  • James P. KellyDepartment of Mathematics
    Christopher Newport University
    Newport News, VA 23606, USA

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