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Classifying functions via growth rates of repeated iterations

Tom 268 / 2025

Titus Hilberdink Fundamenta Mathematicae 268 (2025), 23-51 MSC: Primary 26A18; Secondary 26A12, 39B12 DOI: 10.4064/fm316-8-2024 Opublikowany online: 28 November 2024


We develop a classification of real functions based on growth rates of repeated iteration. We show how functions are naturally distinguishable when considering inverses of repeated iterations, for example, (n times) etc. and their inverse functions x-2, x/2, \log x/\log 2, etc. Based on this idea and some regularity conditions we define classes of functions, with x+2, 2x, 2^x in the first three classes.

We prove various properties of these classes which reveal their nature, including a ‘uniqueness’ property. We exhibit examples of functions lying between consecutive classes and indicate how this implies these gaps are very ‘large’. Indeed, we suspect the existence of a continuum of such classes.


  • Titus HilberdinkNanjing University of Information Science
    and Technology (Reading Academy)
    Nanjing, P. R. China

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