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On an extension of the Nöbeling rational universal space

Tom 268 / 2025

Elżbieta Pol, Roman Pol, Mirosława Reńska Fundamenta Mathematicae 268 (2025), 171-180 MSC: Primary 54B10; Secondary 54C25, 54D40, 54F50 DOI: 10.4064/fm240111-9-10 Opublikowany online: 25 November 2024


A subspace $X$ of the Hilbert cube $I^{\mathbb N}$ is rational if $X = G \cup S$, where $\dim G = 0$ and $S$ is countable. Nöbeling (1934) proved that this class has a universal element, the Nöbeling space $V = \mathbb P^{\mathbb N} \cup \mathbb Q_f^{\mathbb N}$, where $\mathbb P^{\mathbb N}$ consists of points in $I^{\mathbb N}$ with all coordinates irrational, and $\mathbb Q_f^{\mathbb N}$ consists of points with all coordinates rational and all but finitely many coordinates zero. While Nöbeling’s proof was based on intricate geometric reasonings, we give a reasonably simple proof using a different approach: we show that for every $X$, $G$ and $S$ as above, there is an embedding $e:I^{\mathbb N}\to I^{\mathbb N}$ with $e(G) \subset \mathbb P^{\mathbb N}$ and $e(S) \subset \mathbb Q_f^{\mathbb N}$ provided $G \cap S = \emptyset $. We expand $V$ to $V^*$, adding countably many Cantor sets, and we obtain a similar result where $S$ are $\sigma $-compact zero-dimensional sets ($V^*$ is universal for $1$-dimensional spaces).


  • Elżbieta PolInstitute of Mathematics
    University of Warsaw
    02-097 Warszawa, Poland
  • Roman PolInstitute of Mathematics
    University of Warsaw
    02-097 Warszawa, Poland
  • Mirosława ReńskaFaculty of Mathematics and Information Science
    Warsaw University of Technology
    00-662 Warszawa, Poland

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