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Vector series whose lacunary subseries converge

Tom 138 / 2000

Lech Drewnowski, Studia Mathematica 138 (2000), 53-80 DOI: 10.4064/sm-138-1-53-80


The area of research of this paper goes back to a 1930 result of H. Auerbach showing that a scalar series is (absolutely) convergent if all its zero-density subseries converge. A series in a topological vector space X is called ℒ-convergent if each of its lacunary subseries ∑_k x_{n_k} (i.e. those with n_{k+1} - n_k → ∞) converges. The space X is said to have the Lacunary Convergence Property, or LCP, if every ℒ-convergent series in X is convergent; in fact, it is then subseries convergent. The Zero-Density Convergence Property, or ZCP, is defined similarly though of lesser importance here. It is shown that for every ℒ-convergent series the set of all its finite sums is metrically bounded; however, it need not be topologically bounded. Next, a space with the LCP contains no copy of the space c_0. The converse holds for Banach spaces and, more generally, sequentially complete locally pseudoconvex spaces. However, an F-lattice of measurable functions is constructed that has both the Lebesgue and Levi properties, and thus contains no copy of c_0, and, nonetheless, lacks the LCP. The main (and most difficult) result of the paper is that if a Banach space E contains no copy of c_0 and λ is a finite measure, then the Bochner space L_0 (λ,e) has the LCP. From this, with the help of some Orlicz-Pettis type theorems proved earlier by the authors, the LCP is deduced for a vast class of spaces of (scalar and vector) measurable functions that have the Lebesgue type property and are "metrically-boundedly sequentially closed" in the containing L_0 space. Analogous results about the convergence of ℒ-convergent positive series in topological Riesz spaces are also obtained. Finally, while the LCP implies the ZCP trivially, an example is given that the converse is false, in general.


  • Lech Drewnowski

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