Some results on packing in Orlicz sequence spaces
Tom 147 / 2001
Studia Mathematica 147 (2001), 73-88
MSC: 46E30, 46A45.
DOI: 10.4064/sm147-1-6
We present monotonicity theorems for index functions of -fuctions, and obtain formulas for exact values of packing constants. In particular, we show that the Orlicz sequence space l^{(N)} generated by the N-function N(v)=(1+|v|)\mathop {\rm ln}\nolimits (1+|v|)-|v| with Luxemburg norm has the Kottman constant K(l^{(N)})={N^{-1}(1)}/{N^{-1}({1}/{2})}, which answers M. M. Rao and Z. D. Ren's [8] problem.