Computation of the Łojasiewicz exponent for a germ of a smooth function in two variables
Tom 240 / 2018
Let be a germ of a smooth function. We give a sufficient condition for the Łojasiewicz inequality to hold for f, i.e. there exist a neighbourhood \varOmega of the origin and constants c, \alpha \gt 0 such that |f(x)|\geq c\operatorname {dist}(x, f^{-1}(0))^{\alpha } for all x\in \varOmega . Then, under this condition, we compute the Łojasiewicz exponent of f. As a by-product we obtain a formula for the Łojasiewicz exponent of a germ of an analytic function, which is different from that of T. C. Kuo [Comment. Math. Helv. 49 (1974), 201–213].