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Quasi-isometries of $C_{0}(K, E)$ spaces which determine $K$ for all Euclidean spaces $E$

Tom 243 / 2018

Elói Medina Galego, André Luis Porto da Silva Studia Mathematica 243 (2018), 233-242 MSC: Primary 46B03, 46E15; Secondary 46E40, 46B25. DOI: 10.4064/sm8747-8-2017 Opublikowany online: 26 April 2018


We prove that for all Euclidean spaces $E$ and locally compact Hausdorff spaces $K$ and $S$, if there exists a bijective map $T: C_{0}(K,E) \to C_{0}(S, E)$ such that $$ \frac{1}{M} \|f-g\| - L \leq \|T(f)-T(g)\|\leq M \|f-g\|+L $$ for some constants $1 \leq M< \sqrt[4]{2}$ and $L \geq 0$ and for all $f, g \in C_{0}(K, E)$, then $K$ and $S$ are homeomorphic. In other words, by using quasi-isometries we obtain a nonlinear extension of the classical 1976 Hilbert vector-valued Banach–Stone theorem due to Cambern. In the Lipschitz case, that is, when $L=0$, our result improves Jarosz’s 1989 theorem.


  • Elói Medina GalegoDepartment of Mathematics, IME
    Rua do Matão 1010
    University of São Paulo
    São Paulo, Brazil
  • André Luis Porto da SilvaDepartment of Mathematics, IME
    Rua do Matão 1010
    University of São Paulo
    São Paulo, Brazil

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