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Lipschitz functions on unions and quotients of metric spaces

Tom 273 / 2023

David Freeman, Chris Gartland Studia Mathematica 273 (2023), 29-61 MSC: Primary 51F30; Secondary 46B20, 30L05, 54F45. DOI: 10.4064/sm230117-19-4 Opublikowany online: 4 September 2023


Given a finite collection $\{X_i\}_{i\in I}$ of metric spaces, each of which has finite Nagata dimension and Lipschitz free space isomorphic to $L^1$, we prove that their union has Lipschitz free space isomorphic to $L^1$. The short proof we provide is based on the Pełczyński decomposition method. A corollary is a solution to a question of Kaufmann about the union of two planar curves with tangential intersection. A second focus of the paper is on a special case of this result that can be studied using geometric methods. That is, we prove that the Lipschitz free space of a union of finitely many quasiconformal trees is isomorphic to $L^1$. These geometric methods also reveal that any metric quotient of a quasiconformal tree has Lipschitz free space isomorphic to $L^1$. Finally, we analyze Lipschitz light maps on unions and metric quotients of quasiconformal trees in order to prove that the Lipschitz dimension of any such union or quotient is equal to $1$.


  • David FreemanUniversity of Cincinnati Blue Ash College
    Blue Ash, OH 45236, USA
  • Chris GartlandTexas A&M University
    College Station, TX 77843, USA

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