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Real operator spaces and operator algebras

Tom 275 / 2024

David P. Blecher Studia Mathematica 275 (2024), 1-40 MSC: Primary 46L07; Secondary 46H25, 46L08, 46M10, 47L75, 47L05, 47L25, 47L30 DOI: 10.4064/sm230329-23-12 Opublikowany online: 14 March 2024


We verify that a large portion of the theory of complex operator spaces and operator algebras (as represented by the 2004 book by the author and Le Merdy for specificity) transfers to the real case. We point out some of the results that do not work in the real case. We also discuss how the theory and standard constructions interact with the complexification, which is often as important, but sometimes much less obvious. For example, we develop the real case of the theory of operator space multipliers and the operator space centralizer algebra, and discuss how these topics connect with complexification. This turns out to differ in some important details from the complex case. We also characterize real structure in complex operator spaces and give ‘real’ characterizations of some of the most important objects in the subject.


  • David P. BlecherDepartment of Mathematics
    University of Houston
    Houston, TX 77204-3008, USA

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