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Restricted orbits of closed range operators and equivalences between frames for subspaces

Tom 276 / 2024

Eduardo Chiumiento, Pedro Massey Studia Mathematica 276 (2024), 47-79 MSC: Primary 47A53; Secondary 42C99, 47B10 DOI: 10.4064/sm230531-23-12 Opublikowany online: 7 June 2024


Let $\mathcal {H}$ be a separable infinite-dimensional complex Hilbert space and let $\mathcal {J}$ be a two-sided ideal of the algebra $\mathcal {B}(\mathcal {H})$ of bounded operators. The groups $\mathcal {G}\ell _{\mathcal {J}}$ and $\mathcal {U}_{\mathcal {J}}$ consist of all the invertible and unitary operators of the form $I + \mathcal {J}$, respectively. We study several actions of these groups on the set of closed range operators. First, we find equivalent characterizations of the $\mathcal {G} \ell _{\mathcal {J}}$-orbits involving the essential codimension. These characterizations can be made more explicit in the case of arithmetic mean closed ideals. Second, we give characterizations of the $\mathcal {U}_{\mathcal {J}}$-orbits by using recent results on restricted diagonalization. Finally, we introduce the notion of $\mathcal {J}$-equivalence and $\mathcal {J}$-unitary equivalence between frames for subspaces of a Hilbert space, and we apply our abstract results to obtain several results regarding duality and symmetric approximation of $\mathcal {J}$-equivalent frames.


  • Eduardo ChiumientoCentro de Matemática La Plata, FCE-UNLP
    IAM, ‘Alberto P. Calderón’, CONICET
    (1083) Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Pedro MasseyCentro de Matemática La Plata, FCE-UNLP
    IAM, ‘Alberto P. Calderón’, CONICET
    (1083) Buenos Aires, Argentina

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