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Real rank of extensions of $C^*$-algebras

Tom 276 / 2024

Hannes Thiel Studia Mathematica 276 (2024), 131-155 MSC: Primary 46L05; Secondary 46L45, 46L85, 46M20 DOI: 10.4064/sm231119-19-4 Opublikowany online: 5 June 2024


Given a closed ideal $A$ in a $C^*$-algebra $E$, we develop techniques to bound the real rank of $E$ in terms of the real ranks of $A$ and $E/A$. Building on work of Brown, Lin and Zhang, we obtain explicit computations if $A$ belongs to any of the following classes: (1) $C^*$-algebras with real rank zero, stable rank one and vanishing $K_1$-group; (2) simple, purely infinite $C^*$-algebras; (3) simple, $\mathcal Z$-stable $C^*$-algebras with real rank zero; (4) separable, stable $C^*$-algebras with an approximate unit of projections and the Corona Factorization Property.


  • Hannes ThielDepartment of Mathematical Sciences
    Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
    SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden

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