Quasianalyticity in certain Banach function algebras
Tom 238 / 2017
Studia Mathematica 238 (2017), 133-153
MSC: Primary 46J10, 46J15; Secondary 46E25.
DOI: 10.4064/sm8614-12-2016
Opublikowany online: 16 March 2017
Let $X$ be a perfect, compact subset of the complex plane. We consider algebras of those functions on $X$ which satisfy a generalised notion of differentiability, which we call $\mathcal {F}$-differentiability. In particular, we investigate a notion of quasianalyticity under this new notion of differentiability and provide some sufficient conditions for certain algebras to be quasianalytic. We give an application of our results in which we construct an essential, natural uniform algebra $A$ on a locally connected, compact Hausdorff space $X$ such that $A$ admits no non-trivial Jensen measures yet is not regular. This construction improves an example of the first author (2001).