• Tight – minimal dichotomies in Banach spaces
    Alejandra C. Cáceres-Rigo, Valentin Ferenczi
  • Fractional Volterra-type operators on Hardy spaces
    Xiang Fang, Feng Guo, Shengzhao Hou, Xiaolin Zhu
  • Unitary parts of Toeplitz operators with operator-valued symbols
    E. K. Narayanan, Srijan Sarkar
  • The Zoo of combinatorial Banach spaces
    Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Barnabás Farkas, Sebastian Jachimek, Anna Pelczar-Barwacz
  • Spectral synthesis of the invariant Laplacian and complexified spherical harmonics
    Annika Moucha
  • Weighted norm inequalities of area operators
    Changbao Pang, Maofa Wang, Liankuo Zhao
  • The boundedness of integral operators of Forelli–Rudin type on the Hartogs triangle
    Chuan Qin, Maofa Wang, Zhongbing Xie
  • Uniqueness of Ciesielski series with a subsequence of partial sums converging to a bounded function
    Gegham Gevorkyan, Karen Keryan
  • Spectral multipliers on Métivier groups
    Lars Niedorf
  • Sobolev type inequalities for fractional maximal functions and Riesz potentials in half spaces
    Yoshihiro Mizuta, Tetsu Shimomura
  • Entropy numbers of finite-dimensional Lorentz space embeddings
    Joscha Prochno, Mathias Sonnleitner, Jan Vybíral
  • On the inclusion relations between Gelfand–Shilov spaces
    Andreas Debrouwere, Lenny Neyt, Jasson Vindas
  • On $k$-free numbers in cyclotomic fields: entropy, symmetries and topological invariants
    Michael Baake, Álvaro Bustos, Andreas Nickel

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