
  1. Approximately order zero maps between C*-algebras arXiv: 1911.01689v1
  2. Abstract

Published papers

  1. Operator ideals and three-space properties of asymptotic ideal seminorms
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 371 (2019), 8173-8215 arXiv
    (jointly with R.M. Causey and S. Draga)
  2. Abstract
  3. Lipschitz-free spaces over compact subsets of superreflexive spaces are weakly sequentially complete
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 50 (2018), 680-696 arXiv
    (jointly with E. Pernecká)
  4. Abstract
  5. Approximate homomorphisms on lattices
    Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 111 (2018), 177-186 arXiv
    (jointly with R. Badora and B. Przebieracz)
  6. Abstract
  7. The Szlenk power type and tensor products of Banach spaces
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145 (2017), 1685-1698 ResearchGate
    (jointly with S. Draga)
  8. Abstract
  9. Steinhaus' lattice-point problem for Banach spaces
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 446 (2017), 1219-1229 arXiv
    (jointly with T. Kania)
  10. Abstract
  11. Direct sums and summability of the Szlenk index
    Journal of Functional Analysis 271 (2016), 642-671 ResearchGate
    (jointly with S. Draga)
  12. Abstract
  13. Uncountable sets of unit vectors that are separated by more than 1
    Studia Mathematica 232 (2016), 19-44 arXiv
    (jointly with T. Kania)
  14. Abstract
  15. A chain condition for operators from C(K)-spaces
    Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 65 (2014), 703-715 arXiv
    (jointly with K.P. Hart and T. Kania)
  16. Abstract
  17. The ideal of weakly compactly generated operators acting on a Banach space
    Journal of Operator Theory 71 (2014), 455-477 arXiv
    (jointly with T. Kania)
  18. Abstract
  19. Stability of vector measures and twisted sums of Banach spaces
    Journal of Functional Analysis 264 (2013), 2416-2456 arXiv
  20. Abstract
  21. Maximal left ideals of the Banach algebra of bounded operators on a Banach space
    Studia Mathematica 218 (2013), 245-286 arXiv
    (jointly with H.G. Dales, T. Kania, P. Koszmider and N.J. Laustsen)
  22. Abstract
  23. Characterisation of Lp-norms via Hölder's inequality
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 399 (2013), 403-410 ResearchGate
    (jointly with M. Lewicki)
  24. Abstract
  25. Almost orthogonally additive functions
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 400 (2013), 1-14 ResearchGate
    (jointly with W. Wyrobek-Kochanek)
  26. Abstract
  27. \(\mathcal{F}\)-bases with brackets and with individual brackets in Banach spaces
    Studia Mathematica 211 (2012), 259-268 arXiv
  28. Abstract
  29. On measurable solutions of a general functional equation on topological groups
    Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 78 (2011), 527-533
    (jointly with M. Lewicki)
  30. Abstract
  31. Corrigendum to "Stability aspects of arithmetic functions II" (Acta Arith. 139 (2009), 131-146)
    Acta Arithmetica 149 (2011), 83-98 ResearchGate
  32. Abstract
  33. On a composite functional equation fulfilled by modulus of an additive function
    Aequationes Mathematicae 80 (2010), 155-172 ResearchGate
  34. Abstract
  35. Probability distribution solutions of a general linear equation of infinite order II
    Annales Polonici Mathematici 99 (2010), 215-224
    (jointly with J. Morawiec)
  36. Abstract
  37. Stability aspects of arithmetic functions II
    Acta Arithmetica 139 (2009), 131-146 ResearchGate
  38. Abstract
  39. Probability distribution solutions of a general linear equation of infinite order
    Annales Polonici Mathematici 95 (2009), 103-114
    (jointly with J. Morawiec)
  40. Abstract
  41. An inconsistency equation involving means
    Colloquium Mathematicum 115 (2009), 87-99 ResearchGate
    (jointly with R. Ger)
  42. Abstract
  43. Measurable orthogonally additive functions modulo a discrete subgroup
    Acta Mathematica Hungarica 123 (2009), 239-248
    (jointly with W. Wyrobek)
  44. Abstract
  45. Stability aspects of arithmetic functions
    Acta Arithmetica 132 (2008), 87-98 ResearchGate
  46. Abstract
  47. Stability problem for number-theoretically multiplicative functions
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 135 (2007), 2591-2597 ResearchGate
    (jointly with M. Lewicki)
  48. Abstract