Jerzy Zabczyk, Professor
Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences

Curriculum Vitae
Courses and workshops


  1. An Introduction to Probability Theory, International Seminar Course on Control Theory and Topics in Functional Analysis, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy), 11.9.1974-29.11.1974, Organizers: R. Conti, L. Markus and C. Olech
  2. Stochastic control of Discrete- Time Systems, International Seminar Course Control Theory and Topics in Functional Analysis, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy), 11.9.1974-29.11.1974, Organizers: R. Conti, L. Markus and C. Olech
  3. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, 10th Winter School on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Siegmundsburg (Germany), 13.3.1994-19.3.1994, Organizer H-J. Engelbert
  4. Introduction to the Control Theory of Parabolic Equations, Workshop on Parabolic Equations, Centro Internazional Matematico Estivo, Cortona (Italy), 19.9.1994-24.9.1994, Organizers R. Nagel and E. Sinestrari
  5. Parabolic Equations on Hilbert Spaces, Workshop on Stochastic PDE's and Kolmogorov Equations in Infinite Dimensions, Centro Internazional Matematico Estivo, Cetraro (Italy), 24.8.1998-1.9. 1998, Organizer: G. Da Prato
  6. Stochastic Control in Discrete Time with Applications to Finance, CIMPA School on Uncertain Dynamical Systems in Economics and Finance, Beijing (China), 21.8.2000-1.9.2000, Organizers: J-P. Aubin and Shi Shuzhong.
  7. Classical Control Theory, Summer School on Mathematical Control Theory, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy), 3.9.2001-28.9.2001, Organizers: A. Agrachev, B. Jakubczyk and C. Lobry.
  8. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and their Applications, National Science Foundation – CBMS Regional Conference on SPDEs, 19.5.2003-23.5.2003, Organizer: J. Duan
  9. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Applications, The Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium Summer Conference, 13.6.2005-1.7.2005, Organizers: D. Porter and S. S. Sritharan
  10. Markov Processes and Stochastic Equations, Semester on Stochastic Analysis and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Centro de Giorgi, 1.3.2006-31.7.2006, Organizers: G. Da Prato, F. Flandoli, G. Jona-Lasinio, E. Pardoux, M. Roeckner
  11. Bond Market Models with Levy Processes, 8th Summer School in Stochastic Finance, Naplio (Greece), 4.7.2011-8.7.2011, Organizers: N. E. Frangos, G. P. Kouretas, A. N. Yannacopoulos

Courses 1, 2, 5 and 7 have been published.