Adam Abrams (Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences)
Flexibility of entropy of boundary maps for surfaces of constant negative curvature
Jairo Bochi (Catholic University of Chile (PUC-Chile))
Flexibility of Lyapunov exponents
Pierre Berger (Université Paris 13)
Influence of the work of A. Katok on the study of non-ergodic dynamics
Aaron Brown (University of Chicago)
Measure rigidity and projective actions of lattices
Leonid Bunimovich (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Finite Time Dynamics
Kajal Das (Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences)
Quasi-isometry between warped cones and uniform measured equivalence
Manfred Denker (Pennsylvania State University)
Local time for ergodic sums
Dmitry Dolgopyat (University of Maryland)
Central Limit Theorem in Dynamical Systems
Alena Erchenko (The Ohio State University)
Flexibility of Lyapunov exponents on the torus
Livio Flaminio (Université de Lille)
Distributions in dynamical systems
Anton Gorodetski (University of California Irvine)
Hyperbolic Dynamics and Spectral Theory
Alexander Gorodnik (University of Zurich)
Randomness for group actions
Colin Guillarmou (CNRS / Université Paris-Sud)
Geodesic stretch and marked length spectrum rigidity
Huyi Hu (Michigan State University)
The essential coexistence phenomenon in Hamiltonian dynamics
Steven Hurder (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Rigidity and Classification of Cantor Actions
Yulij Ilyashenko (National Research University Higher School of Economy)
Global bifurcations on the two sphere: first steps of a new theory
Boris Kalinin (Pennsylvania State University)
Center foliation rigidity for partially hyperbolic toral diffeomorphisms
Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland)
On dynamical spectral rigidity of planar domains
Adam Kanigowski (University of Maryland)
Bernoulli and K properties in smooth dynamics
Victor Kleptsyn (CNRS, University of Rennes 1)
Furstenberg theorem: now with a parameter!
Dominik Kwietniak (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
Feldman-Katok convergence and entropy of nonuniformly hyperbolic measures
Philipp Kunde (Pennsylvania State University)
Loosely Bernoulli odometer-based systems whose corresponding circular systems are not loosely Bernoulli
Mariusz Lemańczyk (Nicolaus Copernicus University)
On some spectral problems in ergodic theory
Carlangelo Liverani (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Partially hyperbolic systems with center close to identity
Michał Misiurewicz (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis)
Coarse entropy
Dyi-Shing Ou (Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences)
Nonexistence of wandering domains for infinitely renormalizable Hénon maps
Kamlesh Parwani (Eastern Illinois University)
Actions of mapping class groups on the circle
Mark Pollicott (Warwick University)
Nonconvexity of Lyapunov Spectra
E. Arthur Robinson, Jr. (George Washington University)
Dynamical properties of generalized pinwheel tilings
Federico Rodriguez-Hertz (Pennsylvania State University)
Exponential mixing and its consequences
Victoria Sadovskaya (Pennsylvania State University)
Group-valued cocycles over hyperbolic systems and their periodic data
Maria Saprykina (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Instability and diffusion in Hamiltonian systems via the Approximation by conjugation method
Jörg Schmeling (MathCenter, Lunds University)
L∞ and pointwise estimates of generalized Thue-Morse trigonometric polynomials
Richard Sharp (University of Warwick)
Periodic orbit growth on covers of Anosov flows
Dmitry Turaev (Imperial College London)
On triple instability
Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Zurich)
Singular spectrum for smooth flows in genus two
Dominic Veconi (Pennsylvania State University)
Equilibrium states of almost Anosov diffeomorphisms
Kurt Vinhage (University of Chicago)
Dynamical Invariants for Unipotent Flows
Agnieszka Zelerowicz (University of Maryland)
Equilibrium measures for some partially hyperbolic systems