Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk / Institute of Mathematics / Activities / Banach Center
Small meetings and research groups in Będlewo Center: June 2021 – April 2022
Many of the larger events in Banach Center scheduled for 2021 have been postponed until 2022-2023, and at the same time the pandemic situation appears to be sufficiently stable to organize in Będlewo, under appropriate sanitary regime, small meetings (possibly in the hybrid format) or research groups.
We thus encourage you to submit applications for such events (research groups of up to 4 people, mini-conferences for up to 30 physically present participants).
These will be assessed as quickly as possible, and the support for accepted applications will consists of covering of up to 75% of the basic local costs for research groups, and up to 40% of local costs for miniconferences. The local costs are computed in terms of the fixed rate 180 PLN per day per person.
What to include in an application proposal
1. Title of the workshop/research group
2. Organizing Committee with e-mail addresses
3. Time and length of the event
4. A short description, up to one page, of scientific topics which possibly will be discussed
5. Description of the structure of the conference (e.g. plenary lectures, parallel sessions, poster sessions)
6. An expected number of participants (lower and upper bounds)
7. A tentative (as realistic as possible) list of participants, including the invited speakers
8. Financial support expected from the Banach Center
9. Information whether the organizers wish to publish the proceedings in the BCP series