Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk / Institute of Mathematics / Activities / Będlewo Conference Center
The village of Będlewo became the property of the Polish aristocratic Potocki family in 1694. In 1866 Bolesław Potocki built a neo-gothic palace and service buildings, and founded an almost 9 hectare land park. The complex remained with the Potocki family until 1907. Afterwards it passed to other aristocratic families.
After World War II the complex, partially reconstructed, served from 1945 as an agricultural school until 1975 when it was donated to the Polish Academy of Sciences.
In 1996, thanks to the efforts of Profs. A. Białynicki-Birula, A. Hulanicki, and B. Bojarski, Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, who were looking for a place to organize mathematical conferences, the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences designated the Bedlewo complex for these purposes.
In 1997 Prof. B. Bojarski started the work on remodelling of the Palace (second floor and the basement), modernizing the infrastructure and reconstruction of other objects of the Bedlewo complex, including some renovation of the park. An entirely new hotel building was constructed as well.
The scientific activities of the MRCC started already in 1998 with small mathematical conferences and have gradually expanded up to the present level.