Contents of Number 1
Volume 153 / 2018
On the image of Jones’ set function $\mathcal {T}$ Colloquium Mathematicum 153 (2018) , 1-19 MSC: Primary 54B20. DOI: 10.4064/cm7037-4-2017
The uniform invariant approximation property for compact groups Colloquium Mathematicum 153 (2018) , 21-26 MSC: Primary 43A20; Secondary 43A25. DOI: 10.4064/cm7297-9-2017
Sharp and general estimates for the Bellman function of three integral variables related to the dyadic maximal operator Colloquium Mathematicum 153 (2018) , 27-37 MSC: Primary 42B25. DOI: 10.4064/cm7205-6-2017
On the number of pure fields of prime degree Colloquium Mathematicum 153 (2018) , 39-50 MSC: Primary 11N45. DOI: 10.4064/cm7353-9-2017
L-cut splitting of translation surfaces and non-embedding of pseudo-Anosovs (in genus two) Colloquium Mathematicum 153 (2018) , 51-79 MSC: Primary 30F60, 37E30, 37D20, 37D50; Secondary 57R30, 55M20. DOI: 10.4064/cm6956-6-2017
Global well-posedness for the cubic fractional Schrödinger equation Colloquium Mathematicum 153 (2018) , 81-96 MSC: Primary 35Q55; Secondary 35Q40. DOI: 10.4064/cm7257-5-2017
Measurability of the Banach indicatrix Colloquium Mathematicum 153 (2018) , 97-101 MSC: Primary 28A20; Secondary 28A05. DOI: 10.4064/cm6881-7-2017
Bijections for Rota–Baxter words and Schröder paths Colloquium Mathematicum 153 (2018) , 103-119 MSC: Primary 05A15; Secondary 08B20. DOI: 10.4064/cm7142-6-2017
Generalized nonuniform multiresolution analyses Colloquium Mathematicum 153 (2018) , 121-147 MSC: Primary 42C40; Secondary 42C15. DOI: 10.4064/cm6968-11-2016