• Bifurcation measures are exponentially mixing
    Henry De Thélin
  • On symmetries of the IFS attractor
    Genadi Levin
  • Definable separability and second-countability in o-minimal structures
    Pablo Andújar Guerrero
  • Cardinal sequences of Lindelöf scattered P-spaces
    Juan Carlos Martínez, Lajos Soukup
  • On relative constructible sheaves and integral transforms
    Luisa Fiorot, Teresa Monteiro Fernandes
  • Equivariant $K$-theory of cellular toric varieties
    V. Uma
  • On a characterization of $N$-$\mathcal F$-amenability
    Naotsugu Chinen, Takamitsu Yamauchi
  • Inverse limits of covering spaces
    Gregory R. Conner, Wolfgang Herfort, Curtis A. Kent, Petar Pavešić
  • Partitions of the Baire space into compact sets
    Vera Fischer, Lukas Schembecker
  • Endpoints of smooth plane dendroids
    David S. Lipham
  • Uniquely ergodic tilings of amenable groups
    Sebastian Kopacz, Jacek Serafin
  • A pattern for torsion in Khovanov homology
    Raquel Díaz, Pedro M. G. Manchón
  • On The $p$-primary subgroups of the cohomology of the classifying space of $PU_n$
    Zhilei Zhang, Linan Zhong

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