Contents of Number 1
Volume 102 / 1979
Sentences with three quantifiers are decidable in set theory Fundamenta Mathematicae 102 (1979) , 1-8 DOI: 10.4064/fm-102-1-1-8
Les ensembles de niveau et la monotonie d'une fonction Fundamenta Mathematicae 102 (1979) , 9-12 DOI: 10.4064/fm-102-1-9-12
The closure of the space of homeomorphisms on a manifold. The piecewise linear case Fundamenta Mathematicae 102 (1979) , 13-19 DOI: 10.4064/fm-102-1-13-19
On the local homogeneity and the invertibility of a topological space Fundamenta Mathematicae 102 (1979) , 21-27 DOI: 10.4064/fm-102-1-21-27
Some examples in the dimension theory of Tychonoff spaces Fundamenta Mathematicae 102 (1979) , 29-43 DOI: 10.4064/fm-102-1-29-43
Note on category in Cartesian products of metrizable spaces Fundamenta Mathematicae 102 (1979) , 55-59 DOI: 10.4064/fm-102-1-55-59
Homotopy characterization of weakly flat knots Fundamenta Mathematicae 102 (1979) , 61-72 DOI: 10.4064/fm-102-1-61-72
On decompositions of hereditarily unicoherent continua Fundamenta Mathematicae 102 (1979) , 73-79 DOI: 10.4064/fm-102-1-73-79