Contents of Number 3
Volume 168 / 2001
Espaces de suites réelles complètement métrisables Fundamenta Mathematicae 168 (2001) , 199-235 MSC: Primary 06F20, 46A19, 46A45, 54D55; Secondary 03E15, 54E52. DOI: 10.4064/fm168-3-1
Club-guessing and non-structure of trees Fundamenta Mathematicae 168 (2001) , 237-249 MSC: Primary 03C75; Secondary 03E05. DOI: 10.4064/fm168-3-2
Homotopy and dynamics for homeomorphisms of solenoidsand Knaster continua Fundamenta Mathematicae 168 (2001) , 251-278 MSC: Primary 37B40, 37B45; Secondary 28D20, 54H20. DOI: 10.4064/fm168-3-3
Stable derived functors, the Steenrod algebra andhomological algebra in the category of functors Fundamenta Mathematicae 168 (2001) , 279-293 MSC: Primary 55P20; Secondary 55S10, 55U99, 18G15. DOI: 10.4064/fm168-3-4
Erratum to “Fields of surreal numbers and exponentiation" (Fund. Math. 167 (2001), 173–188) Fundamenta Mathematicae 168 (2001) , 295-297 DOI: 10.4064/fm168-3-5