Contents of Volume 183
Fixed points on torus fiber bundles over the circle Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 1-38 MSC: Primary 55M20; Secondary 55R10. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-1-1
On a formula for the asymptotic dimension of free products Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 39-45 MSC: Primary 20F69; Secondary 20E08, 20E06. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-1-2
Fatou components whose boundaries have a common curve Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 47-57 MSC: Primary 37F10; Secondary 30D05. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-1-3
Combinatorics of dense subsets of the rationals Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 59-80 MSC: 03E17, 03E35, 06E15. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-1-4
On the uniqueness of the uncentered ergodic maximal function Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 81-90 MSC: Primary 28D05, 37A05, 42B25. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-1-5
Is ${\cal P}(\omega )$ a subalgebra? Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 91-108 MSC: Primary 54A35. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-2-1
Size functions Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 109-113 MSC: Primary 54H13. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-2-2
Products of Baire spaces revisited Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 115-121 MSC: 54E52; Secondary 54B10, 54D70. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-2-3
On localizations of torsion abelian groups Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 123-138 MSC: Primary 20E06, 20E32, 20E36, 20F06, 20F28, 20K40, 20K20; Secondary 14F35. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-2-4
Reidemeister orbit sets Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 139-156 MSC: Primary 55M20. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-2-5
On the closure of Baire classes under transfinite convergences Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 157-168 MSC: Primary 26A21. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-2-6
A problem of von Neumann and Maharam about algebras supporting continuous submeasures Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 169-183 MSC: Primary 28A60. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-2-7
Countable 1-transitive coloured linear orderings II Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 185-213 MSC: Primary 06A05. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-3-1
On the classes of Lipschitz and smooth conjugacies of unimodal maps Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 215-227 MSC: Primary 37C15. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-3-2
On rings with a unique proper essential right ideal Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 229-244 MSC: Primary 16L30, 16L50; Secondary 16P20, 16N60. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-3-3
Homological computations in the universal Steenrod algebra Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 245-252 MSC: 55S10, 18G15, 55T15. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-3-4
Incomparable, non-isomorphic and minimal Banach spaces Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2004), 253-274 MSC: Primary 46B03; Secondary 03E15. DOI: 10.4064/fm183-3-5