Contents of Number 2
Volume 193 / 2007
Conformal measures and matings between Kleinian groups and quadratic polynomials Fundamenta Mathematicae 193 (2007) , 95-132 MSC: 37F35, 37F30, 37F10, 37F05, 37F45. DOI: 10.4064/fm193-2-1
The Covering Principle for Darboux Baire 1 functions Fundamenta Mathematicae 193 (2007) , 133-140 MSC: Primary 26A18; Secondary 26A15, 26A21, 37E05, 54C30. DOI: 10.4064/fm193-2-2
A characterization of $\mathop{\rm Ext}(G,\mathbb Z)$ assuming $(V=L)$ Fundamenta Mathematicae 193 (2007) , 141-151 MSC: Primary 20K15, 20K20, 20K35, 20K40; Secondary 18E99, 20J05. DOI: 10.4064/fm193-2-3
Generic sets in definably compact groups Fundamenta Mathematicae 193 (2007) , 153-170 MSC: 03C64, 22E15. DOI: 10.4064/fm193-2-4
Some strongly bounded classes of Banach spaces Fundamenta Mathematicae 193 (2007) , 171-179 MSC: 03E15, 46B03. DOI: 10.4064/fm193-2-5
A Čech function in ZFC Fundamenta Mathematicae 193 (2007) , 181-188 MSC: 54A05, 54G20, 04A20. DOI: 10.4064/fm193-2-6