Contents of Number 3
Volume 203 / 2009
More on tie-points and homeomorphism in $\mathbb N^*$ Fundamenta Mathematicae 203 (2009) , 191-210 MSC: 03A50, 54A25, 54D35. DOI: 10.4064/fm203-3-1
Physical measures for infinite-modal maps Fundamenta Mathematicae 203 (2009) , 211-262 MSC: Primary 37C40; Secondary 37D25, 37A25, 37A35. DOI: 10.4064/fm203-3-2
Fixed points on Klein bottle fiber bundles over the circle Fundamenta Mathematicae 203 (2009) , 263-292 MSC: Primary 55M20; Secondary 55R10, 55S35. DOI: 10.4064/fm203-3-3