Contents of Number 2
Volume 230 / 2015
Provident sets and rudimentary set forcing Fundamenta Mathematicae 230 (2015) , 99-148 MSC: Primary 03E40; Secondary 03E30, 03D65, 03E45. DOI: 10.4064/fm230-2-1
Equivariant measurable liftings Fundamenta Mathematicae 230 (2015) , 149-165 MSC: Primary 46G15; Secondary 28A51, 43A07. DOI: 10.4064/fm230-2-2
Qualgebras and knotted 3-valent graphs Fundamenta Mathematicae 230 (2015) , 167-204 MSC: Primary 05C25; Secondary 17D99, 57M27, 20N99. DOI: 10.4064/fm230-2-3