Contents of Volume 231
Pesin theory and equilibrium measures on the interval Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 1-17 MSC: 37D35, 37D25, 37E05. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-1-1
Amenability and Ramsey theory in the metric setting Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 19-38 MSC: Primary 37B05; Secondary 05D10, 03C90, 03C52, 03E15. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-1-2
-free separable groups with prescribed endomorphism ring Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 39-55 MSC: Primary 16Dxx, 20Kxx; Secondary 03E75. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-1-3
Lelek fan from a projective Fraïssé limit Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 57-79 MSC: 03E15, 37B05, 54F15, 03C98. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-1-4
Rosenthal compacta and NIP formulas Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 81-92 MSC: Primary 03C45; Secondary 54E52. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-1-5
Density of the set of symbolic dynamics with all ergodic measures supported on periodic orbits Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 93-99 MSC: Primary 37B10; Secondary 37A05, 37D35. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-1-6
Topologically invariant \sigma -ideals on Euclidean spaces Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 101-112 MSC: Primary 57N15; Secondary 03E17, 03E75. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-2-1
Non-additivity of the fixed point property for tree-like continua Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 113-137 MSC: Primary 54F15, 54H25; Secondary 54G20. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-2-2
Keeping the covering number of the null ideal small Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 139-159 MSC: 03E35, 03E17. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-2-3
Upper and lower estimates for Schauder frames and atomic decompositions Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 161-188 MSC: Primary 46B20; Secondary 41A65. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-2-4
Seven characterizations of non-meager \mathsf {P}-filters Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 189-208 MSC: 54G99, 03E05, 03E35. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-2-5
Adding a lot of Cohen reals by adding a few. II Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 209-224 MSC: Primary 03E35, 03E55. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-3-1
Commuting contractive families Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 225-272 MSC: Primary 47H09; Secondary 54E50. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-3-2
Uniformly recurrent sequences and minimal Cantor omega-limit sets Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 273-284 MSC: Primary 37B20, 37B10; Secondary 37E05, 54H20. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-3-3
On Borel reducibility in generalized Baire space Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 285-298 MSC: Primary 03E15; Secondary 03C55. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-3-4
Jumps of entropy for C^r interval maps Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 299-317 MSC: 37A35, 37C05, 37B10, 37B40. DOI: 10.4064/fm231-3-5