Contents of Volume 249
A characterisation of the dimension of inverse limits of set-valued functions on intervals Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 1-19 MSC: 54F15, 54C60, 54E45, 54H99. DOI: 10.4064/fm708-5-2019
On the shadowing and limit shadowing properties Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 21-35 MSC: 37C50, 54H20, 37B20. DOI: 10.4064/fm552-4-2019
Uniformization properties of ladder systems after forcing with a Suslin tree Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 37-45 MSC: Primary 03E05, 03E35; Secondary 03E75. DOI: 10.4064/fm599-7-2019
Non-commutative groupoids obtained from the failure of 3-uniqueness in stable theories Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 47-70 MSC: Primary 03C45; Secondary 20L05. DOI: 10.4064/fm755-7-2019
Successors of locally compact topological group topologies on abelian groups Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 71-93 MSC: Primary 22A05, 54A25; Secondary 54H11, 54A35. DOI: 10.4064/fm680-6-2019
Ramsey theory for monochromatically well-connected subsets Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 95-103 MSC: 03E02, 03E55. DOI: 10.4064/fm713-7-2019
A remark on Borsuk’s question on homotopy domination by polyhedra Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 105-110 MSC: Primary 20J05; Secondary 55N99. DOI: 10.4064/fm475-10-2019
Continuous and other finitely generated canonical cofinal maps on ultrafilters Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 111-147 MSC: Primary 03E04, 03E05, 03E35, 06A07; Secondary 54A20, 54D99. DOI: 10.4064/fm691-6-2019
Lusternik–Schnirelmann category of relation matrices on finite spaces and simplicial complexes Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 149-167 MSC: Primary 55M30; Secondary 06A07, 05E45. DOI: 10.4064/fm674-8-2019
Parametrized Measuring and Club Guessing Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 169-183 MSC: Primary 03E05, 03E35; Secondary 03E57. DOI: 10.4064/fm781-9-2019
Statistically characterized subgroups of the circle Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 185-209 MSC: Primary 22B05; Secondary 11B05, 40A05. DOI: 10.4064/fm690-8-2019
Superinjective simplicial maps of the two-sided curve complexes on nonorientable surfaces Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 211-260 MSC: Primary 57N05; Secondary 20F38. DOI: 10.4064/fm504-6-2019
The descriptive complexity of connectedness in Polish spaces Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 261-286 MSC: Primary 03E15, 28A05, 54D05; Secondary 54H05. DOI: 10.4064/fm754-7-2019
More on tree properties Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 287-301 MSC: Primary 03C45; Secondary 05C05. DOI: 10.4064/fm757-8-2019
The descriptive complexity of approximation properties in an admissible topology Fundamenta Mathematicae 249 (2020), 303-309 MSC: 46B20, 54H05. DOI: 10.4064/fm758-8-2019