Contents of Number 2
Volume 268 / 2025
Decompositions of finite high-dimensional random arrays Fundamenta Mathematicae 268 (2025) , 101-150 MSC: Primary 60G09; Secondary 60G07, 60G42, 60E15 DOI: 10.4064/fm221004-6-11
On arrangements of smooth plane quartics and their bitangents Fundamenta Mathematicae 268 (2025) , 151-170 MSC: Primary 14H50; Secondary 14C20, 32S22 DOI: 10.4064/fm240105-13-12
On an extension of the Nöbeling rational universal space Fundamenta Mathematicae 268 (2025) , 171-180 MSC: Primary 54B10; Secondary 54C25, 54D40, 54F50 DOI: 10.4064/fm240111-9-10
Computing the associated groups of quandles with tools from group homology theory Fundamenta Mathematicae 268 (2025) , 181-195 MSC: Primary 20N02; Secondary 20E22, 57K10 DOI: 10.4064/fm240314-24-11