Contents of Number 2
Volume 210 / 2012
Numerical radius inequalities for $2\times 2$ operator matrices Studia Mathematica 210 (2012) , 99-115 MSC: Primary 47A12, 47A30, 47A63; Secondary 15A60, 47B15. DOI: 10.4064/sm210-2-1
Beurling–Figà-Talamanca–Herz algebras Studia Mathematica 210 (2012) , 117-135 MSC: Primary 43A99; Secondary 22D12, 43A15, 43A32, 46H05, 46J10. DOI: 10.4064/sm210-2-2
A “hidden” characterization of approximatively polyhedral convex sets in Banach spaces Studia Mathematica 210 (2012) , 137-157 MSC: Primary 52A07, 52A27; Secondary 46A55; 46N10, 52B05, 52A37. DOI: 10.4064/sm210-2-3
Trace inequalities for fractional integrals in grand Lebesgue spaces Studia Mathematica 210 (2012) , 159-176 MSC: Primary 46E30; Secondary 31E05, 42B25. DOI: 10.4064/sm210-2-4
Lineability of the set of holomorphic mappings with dense range Studia Mathematica 210 (2012) , 177-188 MSC: Primary 46G20; Secondary 46E50. DOI: 10.4064/sm210-2-5
Moore–Penrose inverses of Gram operators on Hilbert $C^*$-modules Studia Mathematica 210 (2012) , 189-196 MSC: Primary 46L08; Secondary 47A05, 15A09, 46L05. DOI: 10.4064/sm210-2-6