Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk / Institute of Mathematics / Publishing house / Subscriptions
Subscription 2012
Catalogue price list
Journals | 2012 volumes |
2012 annual prices |
number of issues |
single issue prices |
Acta Arithmetica | 151-156 | € 720 | 24 | € 35 |
Annales Polonici Mathematici | 103-106 | € 360 | 12 | € 35 |
Applicationes Mathematicae | 39 | € 70 | 4 | € 20 |
Colloquium Mathematicum | 126-129 | € 360 | 8 | € 45 |
Fundamenta Mathematicae | 216-219 | € 360 | 12 | € 35 |
Studia Mathematica | 208-213 | € 540 | 18 | € 35 |
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics | 60 | € 75 | 3 | € 25 |
Banach Center Publications | 96-98 | € 150 | 3 | € 50 |
Dissertationes Mathematicae | 481-488 | € 220 | 8 | € 30 |
The prices are subject to taxation in accordance with current rates
2012 options available (discounting negotiable):
- Print only: (2012 catalogue annual price) + (postage & handling)
- Online only: 90% of (2012 catalogue annual price)
- Print and Online: 110 % of (2012 catalogue annual price) + (postage & handling)
On-line edition is activated upon our receipt of a completed license and corresponding payment verification.
Postage and handling:
- by surface mail: 15% of catalogue price
- by air mail: 25% of catalogue price
2012 print edition prices for individuals (with no further discount):
- Banach Center Publications ........... € 35 per volume
- Dissertationes Mathematicae ......... € 16 per volume
All back volumes are available.
Orders to be sent to:
Publications Department
Institute of Mathematics
Polish Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 21
ul. Sniadeckich 8
00-956 Warszawa, Poland
Fax: (48-22) 6293997
EU VAT no: PL 525 000 88 67
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- 1. transfer to our bank account:
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Instytut Matematyczny PAN, Sniadeckich 8, 00-656 Warszawa, Poland