Mathematical Sciences Classification System
00Axx - General and miscellaneous specific topics
00A05General mathematics
00A06Mathematics for nonmathematicians (engineering, social sciences, etc.)
00A07Problem books
00A08Recreational mathematics [See also 97A20]
00A09Popularization of mathematics
00A17External book reviews
00A20Dictionaries and other general reference works
00A30Philosophy of mathematics [See also 03A05]
00A65Mathematics and music
00A66Mathematics and visual arts, visualization
00A67Mathematics and architecture
00A69General applied mathematics {For physics, see 00A79 and Sections 70 through 86}
00A71Theory of mathematical modeling
00A72General methods of simulation
00A73Dimensional analysis
00A79Physics (use more specific entries from Sections 70 through 86 when possible)
00A99Miscellaneous topics