Mathematical Sciences Classification System
37Lxx - Infinite-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems
[See also 35Bxx, 35Qxx]
37L05General theory, nonlinear semigroups, evolution equations
37L10Normal forms, center manifold theory, bifurcation theory
37L15Stability problems
37L25Inertial manifolds and other invariant attracting sets
37L30Attractors and their dimensions, Lyapunov exponents
37L40Invariant measures
37L45Hyperbolicity; Lyapunov functions
37L50Noncompact semigroups; dispersive equations; perturbations of Hamiltonian systems
37L60Lattice dynamics [See also 37K60]
37L65Special approximation methods (nonlinear Galerkin, etc.)
37L99None of the above, but in this section