Zawartość tomu 185
Non-autonomous stochastic Cauchy problems in Banach spaces Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 1-34 MSC: Primary 60H15; Secondary 35R60, 47D06. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-1-1
The weak type inequality for the Walsh system Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 35-48 MSC: Primary 42C10. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-1-2
On the spectrum of the operator which is a composition of integration and substitution Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 49-65 MSC: 34l20, 45C05, 47A10, 47A75. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-1-3
The random paving property for uniformly bounded matrices Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 67-82 MSC: 46B09, 15A52. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-1-4
Weierstrass division theorem in quasianalytic local rings Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 83-86 MSC: Primary 26E10, 32B05; Secondary 58C10. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-1-5
On operators from separable reflexive spaces with asymptotic structure Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 87-98 MSC: Primary 46B03; Secondary 46B20. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-1-6
Asymptotic estimates for a perturbation of the linearization of an equation for compressible viscous fluid flow Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 99-125 MSC: 35Q30, 47D06, 76E20. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-2-1
Ordered analytic Hilbert spaces over the unit disk Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 127-142 MSC: 46E22, 47B32. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-2-2
Drop property on locally convex spaces Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 143-149 MSC: Primary 46B20; Secondary 46B50. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-2-3
Real method of interpolation on subcouples of codimension one Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 151-168 MSC: Primary 46M35; Secondary 46E30, 46A45. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-2-4
Weak Baire measurability of the balls in a Banach space Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 169-176 MSC: 28A05, 28B05, 46B20, 46G10. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-2-5
Continuous Reinhardt domains from a Jordan viewpoint Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 177-199 MSC: Primary 32M12; Secondary 46G20, 32M15. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-2-6
$C$-Distribution semigroups Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 201-217 MSC: 47D60, 47D62, 47D06. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-3-1
Type and cotype of operator spaces Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 219-247 MSC: Primary 47L25; Secondary 46B07. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-3-2
Finite-dimensional Lie subalgebras of algebras with continuous inversion Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 249-262 MSC: Primary 22E15; Secondary 22E65, 46H30, 17B30. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-3-3
On multipliers of Hilbert modules over pro-$C^{\ast }$-algebras Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 263-277 MSC: 46L05, 46L08. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-3-4
An analogue of Gutzmer's formula for Hermite expansions Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 279-290 MSC: Primary 42A38; Secondary 42B99, 43A90. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-3-5
Weakly countably determined spaces of high complexity Studia Mathematica 185 (2008), 291-303 MSC: 46B26, 54H05. DOI: 10.4064/sm185-3-6