Zawartość zeszytu 1
Tom 208 / 2012
Multidimensional decay in the van der Corput lemma Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 1-10 MSC: Primary 42B20; Secondary 42B37, 35L56. DOI: 10.4064/sm208-1-1
Invariant measures for position dependent random maps with continuous random parameters Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 11-29 MSC: Primary 37E05; Secondary 37A05. DOI: 10.4064/sm208-1-2
A Paley–Wiener type theorem for generalized non-quasianalytic classes Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 31-46 MSC: 46F05, 47F05, 35B65, 35H10. DOI: 10.4064/sm208-1-3
Maximal abelian subalgebras and projections in two Banach algebras associated with a topological dynamical system Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 47-75 MSC: Primary 46K05; Secondary 47L65, 46L55. DOI: 10.4064/sm208-1-4
Borel parts of the spectrum of an operator and of the operator algebra of a separable Hilbert space Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 77-85 MSC: DOI: 10.4064/sm208-1-5
Isolated points of spectrum of $k$-quasi-$*$-class $A$ operators Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 87-96 MSC: Primary 47B47, 47A30, 47B20; Secondary 47B10. DOI: 10.4064/sm208-1-6