XII Forum Równań Różniczkowych Cząstkowych (XII Forum of Partial Differential Equations)

19.09.2021 - 25.09.2021 | Będlewo & Online (hybrid)

12th Forum of Partial Differential Equations

Conference, Będlewo, 19.09.2021 - 25.09.2021

general information

Forum of Partial Differential Equations is a series of conferences with 22 years tradition. The upcoming edition, being already the 12th, will be held in Bedlewo from September 19 till September 25, 2021. It will be focused mostly on selected domains of Partial Differential Equations such as calculus of variations, computational mathematics, mathematical fluid mechanics and dynamical systems. Due to uncertain epidemic situation the conference will be held in a hybrid form.

The aim of the conference is to bring together polish researchers working in PDE and renowned foreign experts invited as plenary speakers. In addition to creating opportunity to exchange ideas and experience between Polish PDE community and other schools, we aim at enabling youngest Polish scientists working in PDE area to establish foreign contacts and become familiar with latest trends in PDE analysis.



The deadline for paying the conference fee: September 10, 2021

Termin wnoszenia opłat konferencyjnych: 10 września 2021


Payment in PLN / Opłaty w PLN:

For participation in Będlewo (including accommodation, full board and conference materials): 1100 PLN.

For online participants: 50 PLN

Conference fees in PLN should be paid to the following account:

właściciel rachunku: Ośrodek Badawczo-Konferencyjny IMPAN w Będlewie 

(account holder: Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Bedlewo)

IBAN: PL 48 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0002



Payment in EUR:

For participation in Będlewo (including accommodation, full board and conference materials): 250 EUR.

For online participants: 10 EUR

Conference fees in EUR should be paid to the following account:

account holder: Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Bedlewo

IBAN: PL 80 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0008



Important Notice: Please write your name and the name of the conference in the description of the transfer 

Uwaga: W tytule przelewu prosimy koniecznie podać swoje imię i nazwisko oraz nazwę konferencji. 



Young researchers (phd students and researchers up to 5 year after Phd) can apply for reduction of the conference fee. Please send email to 21-xiiforumpde@impan.pl.




Please register via this website. The deadline for registration is August 31, 2021. 

Important notice: directly after registering You will receive a confirmation e-mail with activation link. You have to click in this link to activate Your participant's account. 



Please submit abstracts via the conference website. The deadline for abstract submission is September 3, 2021.

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