Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk / Institute of Mathematics / Activities / Banach Center / Simons Semesters 2021 - 2024
About the program
Simons Semesters at Banach Center: 2020s vision
Simons Semesters at Banach Center: 2020s vision is a 3-year research and training in IMPAN. The Institute has been an awardee in 2020 in the competition:
Targeted Grants for Institutes, by Simons Foundation. The program Targeted Grants for Institutes is intended to support institutions in the mathematics and physical sciences through funding to centers of excellence, to help establish scientific culture and strengthen contacts within the international scientific community.
Award Number: 663281,
Award Start Date: January 1, 2021,
Award End Date: December 31, 2023.
Local Scientific and Organizing Committee of the Program
Coordinators: Piotr Gwiazda, Piotr Nowak, Feliks Przytycki, Piotr Sankowski, Łukasz Stettner.