Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk / Institute of Mathematics / Activities / Banach Center / Simons Semesters 2015 - 2019
Call for applications
Call for applications
Spring 2018
The Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN) in Warsaw announces a program of mathematical semesters supported by the Simons Foundation and invites applications for the 3 months-long period of concentrated scientific activity in Spring 2018.
The semester is supposed to be focused on one, possibly broad, field of modern mathematics, and provide on one hand an excellent environment for the interaction between the top experts in the area and on the other hand training opportunities for young researchers.
Support offered
The support of the Simons Foundation would cover salaries and basic mobility expenses of the 2-3 international leaders and 2-3 young outstanding researchers from abroad for the period of the semester. IMPAN apart from providing general infrastructure (office space, IT support, conference facilities) will fund, mainly via the already existing programs, the stays of up to 10 pre- and post-doctoral researchers in the area of the semester. When appropriate, IMPAN would also employ the Polish organizer(s) for the duration of the semester. Additional support for organizing research activities can be requested from Banach Center, the conference subsidiary of IMPAN.
Basic requirements
The organizing committee (2-4 people) must contain at least one mathematician based in Poland and at least one mathematician based outside of Poland. During the 3 months long semester one conference, one graduate school and one specialized workshop are recommended to be organized. Also organizing graduate (mini-) courses is recommended together with individual tutoring.
The proposals, 2-4 pages long, should contain the following information:
• Semester’s title
• names of the organizers, including the contact details of the corresponding person
• description of the proposed field of mathematics, its current state-of-art and connections with other branches of mathematics (and/or other sciences)
• list of the main scientific aims for the semester
• names and affiliations of the scientific leaders who would spend 2-3 months at IMPAN
• the list and timetable of the planned activities, proposed organizing teams for each of the meetings and estimated number of participants
• an explanation of why IMPAN is a suitable place to host the semester and what would be the longer term benefits for the host institution and Polish mathematics
Dates and further information
The proposals should be sent to by April 25, 2016. The decision, based on the scientific merit and timeliness, taking into account how the proposed semester fits with the current research activities at IMPAN, will be taken by the Simons Semesters Jury (appointed by the Director of IMPAN) after consulting the Banach Center Council, by May 25, 2016.
Any enquiries regarding the program and the application process should be sent to email
The program will be continued in 2018-2019 and further calls for applications will be announced in due time.