Contents of Number 1
Volume 132 / 2013
Vector-valued invariant means on spaces of bounded linear maps Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 1-11 MSC: 46H05, 43A07, 46L10. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-1
On a relation between norms of the maximal function and the square function of a martingale Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 13-26 MSC: Primary 60G42, 46E30; Secondary 60G46, 47B38, 46N30. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-2
Cyclic mean-value inequalities for the gamma function Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 27-34 MSC: 26D07, 33B15. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-3
Asymptotic spectral distributions of distance-$k$ graphs of Cartesian product graphs Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 35-51 MSC: Primary 05C50; Secondary 05C12, 47A10, 81S25. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-4
Nonlinear Lie-type derivations of von Neumann algebras and related topics Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 53-71 MSC: 47B47, 46L57. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-5
Induced open projections and $C^{\ast }$-smoothness Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 73-94 MSC: Primary 54B20; Secondary 54F15, 54D40, 54C10. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-6
The Diophantine equation $(bn)^{x}+(2n)^{y}=((b+2)n)^{z}$ Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 95-100 MSC: Primary 11D61. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-7
$L^{p}$-$L^{q}$ estimates for some convolution operators with singular measures on the Heisenberg group Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 101-111 MSC: 43A80, 42A38. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-8
A class of irreducible polynomials Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 113-119 MSC: Primary 11R09; Secondary 11C08. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-9
On a generalisation of the Hahn–Jordan decomposition for real càdlàg functions Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 121-138 MSC: Primary 26A45. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-10
Algebraic and topological structures on the set of mean functions and generalization of the AGM mean Colloquium Mathematicum 132 (2013) , 139-149 MSC: Primary 20K99, 54E35; Secondary 39B22. DOI: 10.4064/cm132-1-11