Contents of Number 2
Volume 168 / 2022
Sufficient conditions for local energy conservation for the compressible Euler system Colloquium Mathematicum 168 (2022) , 171-197 MSC: Primary 35L65; Secondary 35Q31, 76N10. DOI: 10.4064/cm8289-2-2021
A note on uniqueness for $L^1$-data elliptic problems with Orlicz growth Colloquium Mathematicum 168 (2022) , 199-209 MSC: Primary 35J60; Secondary 35A01, 35A02. DOI: 10.4064/cm8472-4-2021
Sampling $C^1$-submanifolds of $\mathbb{H}^n$ Colloquium Mathematicum 168 (2022) , 211-228 MSC: Primary 53A35; Secondary 55P10, 53Z50. DOI: 10.4064/cm8447-6-2021
Some topological and metric properties of the space of $\ell _1$-predual hyperplanes in $c$ Colloquium Mathematicum 168 (2022) , 229-247 MSC: Primary 46B03, 54E35; Secondary 46B45. DOI: 10.4064/cm8561-7-2021
On an old theorem of Erdős about ambiguous locus Colloquium Mathematicum 168 (2022) , 249-256 MSC: 26B25, 28A75, 49J52. DOI: 10.4064/cm8460-9-2021
Infinitary Noetherian constructions I. Infinite words Colloquium Mathematicum 168 (2022) , 257-286 MSC: Primary 54G99; Secondary 06A07. DOI: 10.4064/cm8077-4-2021
Powerfree sums of proper divisors Colloquium Mathematicum 168 (2022) , 287-295 MSC: Primary 11N37; Secondary 11A25, 11N64. DOI: 10.4064/cm8616-10-2021
Compactness of order intervals in a locally solid linear lattice Colloquium Mathematicum 168 (2022) , 297-309 MSC: 46A40, 46B42, 46E05, 54C35, 54D30, 06E99. DOI: 10.4064/cm8624-11-2021
On tiny zero-sum sequences over finite abelian groups Colloquium Mathematicum 168 (2022) , 311-324 MSC: 11B30, 11P75, 20K01. DOI: 10.4064/cm8607-9-2021
Semi-Kelley compactifications of $(0,1]$ Colloquium Mathematicum 168 (2022) , 325-340 MSC: Primary 54F15, 54F65; Secondary 54F50, 54D35, 54D40. DOI: 10.4064/cm8192-4-2021