Contents of Number 1
Volume 148 / 2001
Spectra of the difference, sum and product of idempotents Studia Mathematica 148 (2001) , 1-3 MSC: 46C05, 47A10, 47B15. DOI: 10.4064/sm148-1-1
Sur les grandes déviations en théorie de filtrage non linéaire Studia Mathematica 148 (2001) , 5-21 MSC: 60H10, 60F10, 60G35. DOI: 10.4064/sm148-1-2
An upper bound for the distance to finitely generated ideals in Douglas algebras Studia Mathematica 148 (2001) , 23-36 MSC: 46J15, 46J20. DOI: 10.4064/sm148-1-3
The Hausdorff operators on the real Hardy spaces $H^p({\Bbb R})$ Studia Mathematica 148 (2001) , 37-45 MSC: Primary 47B38; Secondary 42B30. DOI: 10.4064/sm148-1-4
Amenability for dual Banach algebras Studia Mathematica 148 (2001) , 47-66 MSC: Primary 46H99; Secondary 43A10, 46B28, 46H25, 46L10, 46M20. DOI: 10.4064/sm148-1-5
Trivial Jensen measures without regularity Studia Mathematica 148 (2001) , 67-74 MSC: Primary 46J10. DOI: 10.4064/sm148-1-6
On the Kaczmarz algorithm of approximation in infinite-dimensional spaces Studia Mathematica 148 (2001) , 75-86 MSC: 41A65, 60G25, 60H25. DOI: 10.4064/sm148-1-7
A class of solvable non-homogeneous differential operators on the Heisenberg group Studia Mathematica 148 (2001) , 87-96 MSC: 35A05, 43A80. DOI: 10.4064/sm148-1-8