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In 2025, the financial award amounts to 15,000 PLN (gross). The deadline for submitting candidates in 2025 is set for March 3.
The application should include:

  1. a nomination signed by 3 individuals with the title of Professor of Mathematical Sciences (not necessarily from the same institution) along with a brief justification,

  2. the candidate's scientific CV,

  3. a list of the candidate's scientific publications.

Signed applications should be sent electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The 2024 award was given to Dr. habil. Adam Kanigowski from Jagiellonian University and the University of Maryland for fundamental results in the field of dynamical systems and ergodic theory.


The 2023 award was given to Dr. habil. Mariusz Mirek from the University of Wrocław for outstanding results in harmonic analysis and ergodic theory.


The 2022 award was given to Dr. habil. Tomasz Grzywny from Wrocław University of Science and Technology for groundbreaking results in probabilistic potential theory, particularly in the area of unimodal Lévy processes, obtained in a series of works published between 2007-2021.


The 2021 award was given to Prof. Dr. habil. Krzysztof Krupiński from the University of Wrocław for developing a profound theory and obtaining groundbreaking results linking model theory with topological dynamics and descriptive set theory, in a series of works published between 2010-2020.


The 2020 award was given to Dr. Damian Osajda from the University of Wrocław and the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in geometric group theory.


The 2019 award was given to Prof. Dr. habil. Dariusz Buraczewski from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Wrocław for a monograph and a series of important works on the stochastic properties of difference equations and their applications to random matrix products and random walks in a random environment.


The 2018 award was given to Prof. Dr. habil. Agata Smoktunowicz from the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, for outstanding achievements in algebra.


The 2017 award was given to Prof. Dr. habil. Piotr Śniady from the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in the asymptotic theory of representations of permutation groups and graph theory, along with applications in algorithmics and quantum information theory.


The 2016 award was given to Prof. Dr. habil. Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw for outstanding achievements in probability theory and its applications.


The 2015 award was given to Prof. Dr. habil. Adrian Langer from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in algebraic geometry.


The 2014 award was given to Prof. Dr. habil. Rafał Latała from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw for outstanding results in probability theory and convex geometry.


The 2013 award was given to Mr. Grzegorz Karch from the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Wrocław for outstanding results concerning the existence and properties of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations inspired by problems in physics, chemistry, and biology.


The 2012 award was given to Mr. Yuriy Tomilov from the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Nicolaus Copernicus University, for deep results in operator theory and operator semigroups in Hilbert spaces. In particular, for the characterization of operators quasi similar to contraction operators, results concerning the stability of semigroups, and their spectral properties.


The 2011 award was given to Mr. Krzysztof Bogdan from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at Wrocław University of Science and Technology for deep results linking stochastic process theory with classical mathematical analysis.


The 2010 award was given to Mr. Sławomir Solecki from the University of Illinois for works in set theory concerning the applications of descriptive set theory in topology and analysis.


The 2009 award was given to Mr. Jarosław Włodarczyk from Purdue University for outstanding results in algebraic geometry, primarily for the theorem on the factorization of birational morphisms between algebraic varieties using compositions of blow-ups and blow-downs.

  • Krzysztof Bogdan 2025 - 2028 – Chairman in 2025-2026

  • Piotr Hajłasz 2023–2026

  • Tadeusz Januszkiewicz 2025 - 2028

  • Wojciech Kucharz 2023–2026

  • Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz 2025 - 2028 - Deputy Chairman in 2025-2026

  • Anna Zdunik 2023–2026

  • Karol Palka – Representative of the IMPAN Directorate

§ 1
The Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences Award for outstanding scientific achievements in mathematics, hereinafter referred to as the "Award," is awarded annually to a person holding Polish citizenship or permanent residency in Poland.
The candidate may be a person who has not reached the age of 45 by the end of the year preceding the award.
The Award can only be received once.
The Award cannot be granted to individuals who are members of the IMPAN Directorate at the time the award is granted.

It is possible to award a joint prize for results obtained by more than one person published in joint works to those co-authors who meet the criteria of points 1-4.

§ 2
The Awardee receives a diploma and a financial award paid from IMPAN's own funds.
The Award may also be financed from other sources.
The amount of the financial award is announced annually on the Award's website.

§ 3
The Awardee is selected by a 7-member jury appointed by the Director of IMPAN after consulting the IMPAN Scientific Council. the jury includes a representative of the IMPAN Directorate appointed by the Director for the term of the Directorate.
In 2009, three members of the jury were appointed for a period of 2 years, and three for a period of 4 years. Subsequently, every 2 years, three jury members are appointed for a 4-year term.
The jury selects a chairman and a deputy chairman from among its members. These functions cannot be performed by the Directorate's representative.
One cannot serve as a jury member for more than two consecutive terms.

§ 4
Candidates for the Award may be nominated by three individuals with the academic title of Professor of Mathematical Sciences. the jury may also consider other candidacies on its initiative. Applications, along with justifications, should be sent to the jury chairman, via email or by post to the IMPAN Secretariat with the note "Scientific Award," by the deadline announced annually on the Award's website. Additional opinions may be attached to the application.

§ 5
The jury meeting is convened by its chairman, or in their absence, by the deputy chairman. the meeting should be held by March 31 of each year. the meeting is chaired by the jury chairman, or in their absence, by the deputy chairman.
Decisions of the jury are made by a simple majority of votes with at least 4 members present. In case of a tie, the chairman's vote decides. Jury members not present at the meeting may cast their vote by correspondence, before the jury meeting, to the chairman's address.
The jury may decide not to award the Prize in a given year.

§ 6
The Award is presented to the laureate during a ceremonial open session of the IMPAN Scientific Council. the laureate is invited to deliver a scientific lecture during this session.

§ 7
Amendments to these Regulations are made by the Director of IMPAN after consulting the IMPAN Scientific Council.
The Regulations enter into force upon signature.