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Part I: Erasmus Policy Statement

The Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN) is a leading research institution in Poland in the area of pure and applied mathematics. A part of its mission is to provide highly educated mathematicians for research, academia, administration, financial institutions, as well as for industry. To this end, each year a carefully selected group of five to ten, of highly qualified students is accepted for the four years PhD Programme. The learning process is highly individualized. Each student is assigned a personal supervisor and together they set the individual learning and research programme. After four years a dissertation (of a quality of a good research paper) is expected.

It is well understood that the student's participation in an international exchange of people, ideas and knowledge is an important part of a top level education and a personal curriculum as well.

The Institute hosts a number of international scholars for periods ranging from a couple of days to a year or more who actively contribute to the scientific life of the Institute by presenting lectures, giving seminars and participating in joint research with members of the Institute. Similarly, members of the Institute visit leading academic institutions abroad.

Via its branches, including the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center in Warsaw and the Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Będlewo (near Poznań), IMPAN organizes annually numerous international conferences, research and educational seminars, schools and similar activities during which mathematicians from different countries meet to learn, discuss new ideas, as well as recent research.

IMPAN participates in several international programmes; e.g. European Union Marie Curie Actions:

  • Research Training Network “Conformal Structures and Dynamics" 2005-2010,
  • Transfer of Knowledge “Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamics, Fractals, Turbulence" 2005- 2009,
  • Transfer of Knowledge “Operator Theory Methods For Differential Equations" 2006-2010.

And also

  • “Network of Excellence in Cryptology" 2008-2012

and within European Sciences Foundation

  • “Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance" 2005-2010.

The Institute publishes several internationally recognized journals, serials, and conference proceedings.

Participation in Erasmus Programme in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme will enhance the quality of education on PhD level in the Institute by providing the possibility of bilateral student exchange with leading European academic institutions, as well as by enabling the exchange of lecturers. Another important aspect of Erasmus is the possibility of organizing Intensive Programmes where students from different academic institution based in various countries will study specific topics in a time condensed way.

The Erasmus Policy Statement will be posted on the Institute webpage together with links to other places where general and detailed information on Erasmus Programme and Lifelong Learning Programme can be found. Furthermore, all our students will be informed via e-mail once each semester about the details of the Institute participation Erasmus Programme.

The Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences is a relatively small institution with a splendid learning and research atmosphere and a long history of non-discrimination with respect to gender, race, religion, etc. Some efforts are made to help to integrate disabled persons. No additional actions are planned.

Part II: Students Exchange Inforamations

The exchange of students within the Erasmus Programme framework takes place on the basis of a bilateral agreement with each partner academic institution. In every agreement, details such as minimal and maximal number of courses taken, methods of credit transfer and other related matters are clearly specified.

For the outgoing students the decision concerning participation in the Erasmus Programme is taken jointly by the interested student and his/her supervisor. They both plan the academic side of the visit in line with the student's individual learning and research programme.

The incoming student has the same privileges as the students of the PhD Programme in the Institute. To each such student an individual tutor is assigned. The student's planned academic activities are decided in cooperation with his/her home institution. A specialized staff in the Institute will assist in finding suitable accommodation for the period of student's stay in the Institute, as well as will extend some help in daily matters, if needed. For short visits accomodation in the Institute guest rooms is available.

The Institute, with its one of the best in the world mathematical library (with about 70.000 book volumes and 660 titles of current journals), and numbers of friendly fellow-mathematician provides an excellent place to study and research in mathematics.

Some of the traditional seminars in IMPAN include:

  • PhD students seminar,
  • algebraic geometry seminar; IMPANGA,
  • seminar on methods of mathematics of finance,
  • dynamical systems seminar,
  • functional analysis seminar,
  • numerical analysis seminar,
  • differential geometry seminar.

Due to the international nature of the Institute, it is standard that lectures, seminars and other academic activities are held in English, if there is such demand.

Erasmus Coordinator: Professor Piotr Koszmider

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